Demi Samande: Dare To Dream Big


As Demi Samande sat on the bus on her way home at the tender age of twelve, her eyes were transfixed on a woman who exuded an aura of confidence and control. The woman's commanding presence was unlike anything Demi had ever seen before, and she found herself completely spellbound. Dressed in a sharp business suit and clutching a sleek briefcase, the woman stood out like a beacon amidst the sea of passengers, emanating an air of purpose and direction.

To Demi, this woman was a revelation, an inspiration that sparked her innate curiosity and interest in business and entrepreneurship. The way she carried herself, with such poise and distinction, left an indelible impression on Demi's young mind, and she knew then and there that she wanted to stand out in this way.

Reflecting on that pivotal moment years later, Demi recalls how she was drawn to the woman's distinctiveness and uniqueness. The woman's appearance and demeanour set her apart from the crowd, and Demi was captivated by her every move. It was a moment that would shape Demi's future and set her on a path toward her own personal success.

Demi's chance encounter with the businesswoman on the bus ignited a flame within her that led to a string of entrepreneurial ventures. At the age of twelve, she started by creating custom hairpieces for people and later moved on to running a car wash business for charity, helping children with leukaemia. She even ventured into buying and selling body shapers for women, peddling her wares across London to various shops, offices, and homes.

It was when she reached the age of twenty-one that Demi discovered her true calling in the furniture-making industry. However, her passion for furniture restoration started as a mere hobby when she didn't like the furniture she had bought for her apartment and decided to refurbish it herself. Soon enough, she bought and remodelled furniture, then resold it for profit.

Despite working in retail before, Demi realized that her passion for furniture restoration excited and thrilled her and allowed her to utilize her architectural skills, which turned out to be quite lucrative. So, she quit her job and embraced the business wholeheartedly, turning her passion into a successful career.


The entrepreneurial spirit has always been in Demi's blood, nurtured by her academically-minded and strong-willed parents with a solid work ethic. Her mother, who had transitioned from an accountant to a nurse and an entrepreneur, always sought new opportunities to earn additional income, while her father was a civil engineer.

Growing up in a strict yet loving household that emphasized the importance of hard work and providing a good life for the family, Demi was exposed early on to the mindset of striving for success. Her parents' support and sound values have profoundly impacted her entrepreneurial journey. "My parents are very supportive people, and they're also very sound individuals who understand that there's a way to live life and to live it well," says Demi. "I was exposed to this mindset early on, and it went into my entrepreneurial journey."

While Demi's siblings have taken different career paths and are doing well, she is the only one who has pursued the entrepreneurial path. She believes it's her natural inclination, having seen her mother succeed in this field. Thanks to her upbringing and exposure to hard work and determination, Demi has all the tools she needs to succeed in her chosen path.

Starting a business is daunting, particularly for those who have to learn everything from scratch. This was the challenge that Demi faced when she decided to pursue her passion for restoring antique furniture. Despite having no formal training in the field, she tirelessly watched videos online for hours, days, weeks, and months to learn how to fix antique furniture. Demi would purchase second-hand furniture, restore and polish it until it was as good as new, and then sell it for a profit. What began as a hobby quickly transformed into a lucrative business opportunity. However, she had to learn everything about running a business from the ground up, including accounting, tax payments, marketing, customer relationship management, and staff recruitment, through trial and error and by utilizing online resources such as videos, books, and mentors to gain knowledge.

During the initial stages of her furniture business, Demi faced numerous challenges. "It was both exciting and demanding," she recalls. "There were instances when I struggled to comprehend and learn," Demi admits to making errors along the way and found distinguishing between reliable and unreliable advice daunting. Hence, she urges aspiring entrepreneurs to persevere and remain resilient in their business ventures. One of her primary recommendations to new founders is to not fret over minor issues, emphasizing that imperfection does not equate to inadequacy.

Demi's furniture-making business, Majeurs, has grown significantly since its inception in 2008 and has continued to flourish since she relocated to Lagos, Nigeria, in 2016. As a founder, Demi has learned that the quality of her product speaks for itself and doesn't necessarily require heavy marketing tactics. Her company produces high-end, unique, timeless, and popular furniture, which has attracted high-profile clients like Prince Charles and David Cameron.

Demi's journey as a founder has been full of ups and downs, but she has successfully turned her hobby into a thriving enterprise through hard work and dedication. Despite being a young black woman in a male-dominated field, Demi's unique factor drew attention to her business and made people pay attention. However, with the attention she received, she could have stayed in the UK to continue growing her business. Instead, she relocated to Nigeria to scale up and expand her business.


Moving to Nigeria was bold for Demi, as starting a business in Nigeria requires a different approach. She emphasizes the importance of self-awareness and understanding one's strengths and weaknesses to succeed in a business environment like Nigeria. Despite her family's initial hesitation and concerns, Demi's sticking power and appetite for risk allowed her to succeed in a market that was untapped and devoid of competition.

Demi is an entrepreneur in Nigeria who operates three related businesses under Majeurs Holdings: a furniture-making business called Majeurs, a training academy called Mande Academy, and a tech product called Mande. She launched the academy to train young artisans in furniture making and developed the tech product to help manufacturers scale their businesses through efficient production processes, including quality control standards, input procurement, and streamlined distribution. Her mission is to improve people's living standards and create long-term job opportunities through her businesses.

Demi emphasizes the significance of resilience, humility, and a service-oriented mindset in conducting business in Africa. She stresses the importance of being respectful and humble towards the local environment and its systems, which are crucial for success and survival. Demi states that humility and the desire to learn, offer service, and create good products are vital for a business's longevity. She warns against having a condescending attitude and emphasizes the importance of conducting business with respect and dignity. "As a business owner in Nigeria, you should aim to learn, create, and offer good products and services to the market. You should not be here to degrade or belittle anyone, and I believe that humility in this environment is critical for your business success," she advises.


In addition to her businesses, Demi runs a business podcast where she interviews successful entrepreneurs to inspire and educate aspiring ones. She also documents her entrepreneurial journey on her YouTube channel to guide other entrepreneurs, especially those in Africa. Demi encourages her team members to ask questions and make suggestions to benefit the company's growth. She is a mentor and mentee, offering knowledge and support through her podcast and seeking guidance from six personal mentors through "reverse mentorship."

Her passion for furniture-making stems from her love of creativity and problem-solving. She finds the design and restoration processes both enjoyable and challenging. Moreover, the industry constantly changes, which keeps her motivated and engaged. What's more, Demi derives satisfaction from her business's tangible impact on the lives of her team members and clients. She is involved in all aspects of running her business, including profitability, scalability, distribution, and product placement, giving her a well-rounded understanding of how to operate a successful business. These factors have contributed to Demi's unwavering commitment to her work.

Demi Samande, a visionary from a tender age, boldly dared to dream big. She knew the road to success was not about speed but about unwavering focus, perseverance, and determination. Today, she's making waves in her industry, breaking barriers, and redefining what it means to be a young, successful African entrepreneur.

