Emmanuel Aneri: A Founder’s Relentless Pursuit of Knowledge


Emmanuel Aneri’s entrepreneurial journey is deeply rooted in his curiosity and passion for technology, which began in his teenage years. Growing up in Ogun State, Nigeria, he attended a public secondary school where resources were limited. The turning point in his life came when an external tutor, working for NIIT, introduced him to technology. Despite the odds, he excelled in a scholarship exam offered by NIIT, where he pursued certifications in hardware and security. This ignited his interest in tech, particularly in software development.
Though his initial exposure to hardware was fulfilling his curiosity about how gadgets worked, it was his exposure to software classes at NIIT that inspired him to dive deeper. The experience of learning to code would set him on a trajectory toward entrepreneurship and innovation. His journey, however, wasn’t without its challenges. When Emmanuel expressed his desire to pursue computer science rather than the traditionally esteemed field of medicine, his family was skeptical and attempted to dissuade him. Nonetheless, with their eventual support, he enrolled at Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU) to study Computer Science and Mathematics.
While in university, Emmanuel became disillusioned with the academic curriculum, which he found to be underwhelming compared to his self-taught programming knowledge. By the time he had reached his second year, he had already mastered programming languages like Python and was actively building projects. This sense of independence, paired with his dissatisfaction with traditional schooling, led him to drop out of OAU, a decision that caused a temporary rift with his family. For several years, he was estranged from his parents but eventually reconciled after proving his success in the tech world.


Emmanuel’s professional journey began with a data agency in Lagos, where he worked for over two years as one of the early engineering hires. In this role, he gained hands-on experience by developing products for high-profile clients across various industries, such as insurance, food, and technology. His work included managing projects and communicating with external engineers, giving him insight into client relationships, business negotiations, and the intricacies of product development. This environment helped him wear multiple hats, from front-end and back-end development to managing client meetings.
The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic marked Emmanuel's first foray into entrepreneurship. During the lockdown, he noticed a growing demand from small businesses seeking ways to move their operations online. He responded to this need by developing his first platform, Easycart—a B2B e-commerce solution that integrated AI chatbots with social media platforms, allowing businesses to automate their customer interactions.
Easycart grew organically to around 5,000 merchants without paid marketing, but Emmanuel soon realized that the platform wasn’t scalable to the level he had envisioned. After attempts to monetize the platform and facing significant churn, he pivoted his focus to solving a bigger problem—managing client interactions more effectively. This insight led to the birth of his current venture, Impulse.


Impulse, Emmanuel’s latest venture, is a flexible client interaction management platform designed to optimize the sales process from prospecting to closing deals. Leveraging AI technology, Impulse aims to fill the gap left by traditional Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems, which Emmanuel believes don’t adequately serve businesses across all industries and models. The idea for Impulse was born out of his personal experience with founder-led sales during his time at Easycart, where he found existing CRM solutions to be unsatisfactory. As of now, Impulse is gaining traction by providing a much-needed solution for companies looking to streamline their sales processes and improve their client interactions. Emmanuel’s goal is to build Impulse into a global brand that transforms the way businesses manage their customer relationships.
Teamwork has been a vital component of Emmanuel Aneri's success in business. While he began his entrepreneurial journey alone, building Impulse has been a collaborative effort supported by a team of dedicated individuals. Emmanuel acknowledges the pivotal role that his co-founders and team members have played in the development and scaling of the company. He credits them for providing not only technical expertise but also emotional and operational support.
One key figure in Emmanuel's journey is Faithful Ojebiyi, who has provided essential support on the product and engineering side of Impulse. Faithful’s input helped streamline the technical aspects of the platform, ensuring that it met the market's needs while remaining scalable. Emmanuel also cites Toni Campbell, a mentor who has offered invaluable advice on investments and operations, particularly in banking and financing. Toni’s guidance helped Emmanuel navigate critical financial decisions that have been instrumental in the company’s growth.
Emmanuel fosters an environment where innovation is encouraged. He actively welcomes ideas from his co-founders, team members, and even external partners. This open culture has allowed Impulse to evolve rapidly and meet the ever-changing demands of the business landscape. With a focus on flexibility and adaptability, Emmanuel and his team continuously collaborate to improve Impulse, which is reflected in the company’s early revenue success of $5,000 during its closed beta phase.


Throughout his journey, Emmanuel has been supported by key individuals who helped shape his entrepreneurial outlook. One significant figure was his boss at his first job, who not only mentored him in technical skills but also introduced him to the business side of tech, taking him along to client meetings and entrusting him with leadership responsibilities. Later on, as Emmanuel ventured into building his own companies, he found support from friends and professional networks, including introductions that led to key partnerships within Kinfolk’s portfolio.
Emmanuel's commitment to giving back is evident through his mentorship efforts. Although his current focus is on building Impulse, mentorship has been an integral part of his career, particularly during his time in Lagos, where he taught full-stack development at a tech boot camp. Over three years, Emmanuel mentored close to 80 individuals, many of whom have transitioned into successful software engineering careers. One of Emmanuel’s most notable mentorship achievements was helping a student transition from carpentry into product design, which exemplifies his belief in the transformative power of tech education. Emmanuel continues to stay connected with many of his former students, some of whom have become lifelong friends. One former mentee, who was so inspired by Emmanuel’s guidance, followed him to Abuja and now works as a full-time software engineer in the UK.
While his current schedule doesn’t allow for direct mentorship, Emmanuel remains passionate about fostering the next generation of tech leaders. He plans to return to structured mentorship in the future, possibly through a dedicated platform or program.
Emmanuel's key advice to new business owners is simple: “launch your product quickly and ensure you charge for it from day one.” Drawing from his own experiences with Easycart, where the platform grew to 5,000 users but struggled to monetize, he emphasizes the importance of early revenue generation. This is a lesson he applied to Impulse, which started generating revenue within weeks of its closed beta launch.
He also advises founders to develop a strong sales mindset. Emmanuel acknowledges that sales can be uncomfortable, especially for introverts like himself, but he underscores its importance in building relationships and securing investments. His personal journey of pitching Impulse to anyone who would listen, even those uninterested in CRM systems, resulted in key partnerships and mentorships, including his connection to Faithful and Toni.
Finally, resilience is another critical trait for entrepreneurs. Emmanuel believes that persistence in the face of setbacks is essential for long-term success. He also encourages entrepreneurs to be data-driven and to pivot when necessary. His decision to move away from Easycart and focus on Impulse came from an honest evaluation of the market and scalability challenges.

A major turning point in Emmanuel’s life was the birth of his younger sister, a figure who has become his greatest source of inspiration. The significant age gap between them—15 years—has positioned him more as a father figure than a sibling. Her presence grounds him, and Emmanuel often reflects on the role model he wants to be for her. His desire to ensure a bright future for his sister drives much of his professional ambition.
Beyond his personal motivation, Emmanuel’s professional journey is fueled by a desire to solve complex problems. His experiences with Easycart made him realize how challenging sales can be, especially for founders navigating the startup ecosystem. This realization led to the creation of Impulse, which seeks to simplify and optimize the sales process for businesses. The satisfaction of building something that has a tangible impact on other entrepreneurs motivates him to keep pushing forward. Additionally, Emmanuel draws inspiration from the success of those he has mentored. Seeing his former students and mentees thrive in their careers serves as a constant reminder of the power of guidance and education.
For Emmanuel, the ultimate goal is to create products that solve real-world problems, enhance efficiency, and improve lives through technology. Easycart, though his first entrepreneurial project, showed him the potential of merging technology with small business needs. With Impulse, he aims to revolutionize the client interaction space, making it easier for businesses to manage customer relationships and close deals more effectively.
Beyond his ventures, Emmanuel is committed to lifelong learning, currently pursuing an MSc in Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics to deepen his knowledge of AI, which plays a crucial role in his product development strategy. His journey serves as a testament to perseverance and adaptability.
In reflecting on his growth, Emmanuel attributes his success to not only his technical skills but also the invaluable experiences he gained through mentorship and leadership roles early in his career. His story is one of resilience, innovation, and a relentless pursuit of knowledge.


Emmanuel's favorite mantra is Per ardua ad astra, a Latin phrase that translates to “to the stars.” The full saying, “Our struggles take us to the stars,” is a reminder that challenges are what propel us toward success. It encapsulates Emmanuel's belief that personal and professional hardships are essential growth experiences.
He is also inspired by the tech mantra, “Talk is cheap. Show me the code,” made famous by Linus Torvalds, the creator of Linux. This philosophy aligns with Emmanuel’s belief in action over words, especially in the tech world. For him, delivering results is more important than discussing ideas endlessly.
Emmanuel Aneri continues to lead Impulse as the company steadily gains traction. He is also pursuing a Master’s degree in Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics, further sharpening his expertise in AI technologies. His dual focus on product development and academic growth exemplifies his commitment to lifelong learning. As Impulse expands, Emmanuel remains dedicated to revolutionizing how businesses manage client relationships through AI-driven solutions.


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