Series Five: Accelerating the Progress of the UN Sustainable Development Goals Using AI as a Transformative Approach


Imagine a society where achieving gender equality and women's empowerment is not only a pipe dream but a shared goal. In today's complex world, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations beckon us toward such a reality.

These 17 global goals, inscribed in history's annals in 2015, serve as a unifying call to action, motivating us to eradicate poverty, preserve the environment, and guarantee prosperity for all by the year 2030.

These objectives address the main problems plaguing the world today, such as poverty, hunger, education, gender equality, access to clean water, and climate change. The SDGs outline a course for a sustainable and inclusive future in which no one is left behind.

Kinfolk embarks on an adventure to discover how Artificial Intelligence (AI) drives positive transformation. We explore numerous article series, each of which reveals the enormous influence of AI on specific SDGs. Welcome to Series Five, where we uncover the intricate ways in which AI is contributing to SDG 5: Gender Equality.

AI Contributions to SDG 5: Gender Equality

To accomplish Sustainable Development Goal 5, which aims to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls, artificial intelligence (AI) is essential in combating gender biases and fostering a safer online environment for women.

AI reduces gender biases, frequently affecting essential decisions in different areas, such as employment, promotion, and resource allocation. AI algorithms are created to be unbiased and data-driven, reducing unconscious biases that might affect assessments and guaranteeing that people are treated fairly based only on their merits and qualifications.

Let's assess how AI significantly promotes women's empowerment and gender equality.

AI-Powered Tools for Detecting and Mitigating Online Harassment

Sentiment analysis: AI-driven techniques for sentiment analysis can recognize and examine internet content to find harassment or harmful conduct aimed at women. These tools enable immediate action and intervention to protect victims and stop additional harm.

Content moderation: AI-driven systems for content moderation can effectively scan websites and social media platforms for offensive or misogynistic content. Online environments are made safer for people to express themselves without worrying about being harassed, thanks to the automated detection and removal of unwanted information.

Chatbot Interventions: AI-driven chatbots can interact with potential harassers, inform them of the repercussions of their behaviour, and encourage polite online conduct. These measures can prevent harassment and foster a more welcoming online community.

Case Studies of AI Initiatives Promoting Gender Equality

GenderEQ: GenderEQ is an AI-driven tool that analyzes workplace interactions to identify patterns of gender bias. By providing actionable insights to organizations, GenderEQ helps create more equitable work environments and supports women's career advancement.

Woebot: Woebot is an AI-based mental health chatbot that offers support and resources to women experiencing emotional distress or mental health challenges. The chatbot provides personalized coping strategies and empowers women to prioritize their well-being.

Chayn: Chayn is an AI-powered chatbot that provides information and resources on domestic violence and abuse to women in need. The chatbot offers a safe and confidential platform for women seeking help and accessing support services.


Our research suggests that there is still a long way to go until gender equality is achieved and SDG 5 is completed. AI has great promise for advancing equality and empowering women and girls.

The only way to effectively address gender inequality is to recognize that it is ingrained in our society and traditions and that AI is not an exception to this rule.

AI can, therefore, be a powerful tool if used responsibly and with regard to the considerable study on gender, racism, disability, and class throughout the development process, even though AI alone is not the solution to the problem.
