Series Four: Accelerating the Progress of the UN Sustainable Development Goals Using AI as a Transformative Approach

BY GLORY ADEOYE 13 Sept 2023

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations are a group of 17 global goals that were set in 2015 as a universal call to action to eradicate poverty, safeguard the environment, and provide prosperity for everyone by that year.

These objectives deal with important concerns including poverty, hunger, gender equality, access to a high-quality education, and more. No one will be left behind as the SDGs work to build a sustainable and inclusive future for all.

Kinfolk is curious to learn more about how AI has sped up the process and benefited the UN SDGs. In different essay series, we plan to look at a few particular SDGs. The fourth part of this article explores how AI has impacted the fourth Sustainable Development Goal, Quality Education.

AI-Driven Approaches for SDG 4: Quality Education

SDG 4 seeks to provide inclusive and quality education for all. AI is playing a pivotal role in achieving this goal by enabling personalized learning experiences. Imagine a classroom where each student has a unique curriculum designed just for them. AI makes this possible.

Platforms for adaptive learning powered by AI examine data specific to each student, including their learning preferences and areas for improvement. AI algorithms create unique learning paths for each learner using this wealth of information. It adjusts instructional materials and exercises to fit each student's individual needs and rate of learning. This education is tailored to you; it is not an education that applies to everyone.

The outcome? more comprehension, more drive, and a sincere love of learning. Students are actively involved in their education, not just passively taking in information.

Personalized Learning Experiences: AI-driven adaptive learning platforms may examine the learning preferences, aptitudes, and shortcomings of each individual student. Using this crucial data, AI algorithms design personalized learning pathways for every student, adapting the instructional materials and exercises to fit their unique learning styles and needs.
Personalized instruction helps students understand concepts better and stimulates their curiosity and desire to learn more.

Improved Educational Access: AI has the potential to break down geographical boundaries and increase access to education. Students in remote or underserved locations can receive top-notch education from the comfort of their homes thanks to AI-powered online learning platforms and virtual classrooms.
Additionally, AI's language translation abilities eliminate linguistic barriers, enabling varied populations around the world to access instructional content.

AI-Powered Tools for Educators

Fetchy: Fetchy specializes in customizing generated language to meet the demands of educators. It is helpful to educators as it helps create lessons, newsletters, professional emails, etc.

Duolingo: The well-known language-learning app Duolingo uses AI to provide adaptable language training. AI algorithms keep track of students' progression, identify potential growth areas, and adjust the course materials as needed.

Coursera: Coursera, an AI-driven online learning platform, offers many courses from top universities and institutions. Its personalized learning recommendations cater to each student's interests and goals, enhancing the learning experience.

Teachmint: Teachmint, an AI-powered platform, simplifies the teaching process for educators by enabling them to conduct interactive online classes effortlessly. The platform's user-friendly interface and AI-driven features enhance student engagement and interaction.

Cognii: Cognii is an AI platform that assists students worldwide by enabling deeper learning and intelligent tutoring. It relies on conversational technology to help students with open-format responses and improve critical thinking skills.

ChatGPT: This AI tool interacts with you, responds to your questions in real time, and is based on natural language. It assists students by interacting with them and responding to their questions accurately and appropriately. With its learning ability and natural language processing, ChatGPT easily creates high-quality study notes.


In conclusion, AI has limitless potential to improve education, fostering a more diverse and equal learning environment. In order to create an intelligent tutoring system, educators can use AI to pinpoint intervention areas and create customized interventions for specific students.

AI-driven virtual assistants also improve learning by facilitating interactive, fun sessions and encouraging lifelong learning. In order to uncover learning trends and patterns, this AI-powered learning analytics tool analyzes massive datasets.

Educators may utilize this insightful data to modify their teaching strategies, provide supplemental materials, and pinpoint places where further support might be required.
