Series Seven: Accelerating the Progress of the UN Sustainable Development Goals Using AI as a Transformative Approach


The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are 17 global goals created in 2015 as a unifying call to action to end poverty, safeguard the environment, and provide prosperity for everyone by 2030.

These objectives tackle urgent problems like poverty, hunger, a high standard of education, gender equality, access to clean water, combating climate change, and more. The SDGs seek to build a sustainable and inclusive future for all to ensure no one is left behind.

Kinfolk is curious to learn more about how AI has sped up the process and benefited the SDGs set forth by the UN. In several article series, we plan to analyze a few particular SDGs. 
This article's seventh series focuses on how artificial intelligence has benefited SDG 7, Affordable and Clean Energy.

AI-Powered Solutions for SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy

Artificial intelligence (AI) is quickly becoming a game-changer in terms of maximizing energy use, advancing renewable energy technologies, and improving all-around energy efficiency. AI is revolutionizing efforts to achieve this important goal by optimizing energy consumption, reducing waste, and advancing renewable energy technology.

Intelligent grids and energy management systems powered by AI can be used to analyze data on energy use trends. These gadgets help utilities distribute energy more efficiently and with less waste by anticipating peak demand periods. AI algorithms can also identify areas where energy use is excessive, allowing for focused interventions to increase energy efficiency and reduce energy waste.

AI assists in advancing renewable energy technologies in the following ways:

Solar Energy: By examining the weather, solar radiation, and panel orientation, artificial intelligence (AI) plays a crucial role in maximizing the efficiency of solar panels. AI increases solar energy's accessibility and dependability by increasing energy output from solar installations.

Wind Energy: To forecast the output of wind energy, AI-powered predictive algorithms examine meteorological patterns. This makes it possible to plan and integrate wind power into the grid more effectively, resulting in a reliable and constant electricity supply.

Energy Storage: By foreseeing demand and supply variations, AI algorithms assist in the optimization of energy storage systems like batteries. As a result, renewable energy sources are more reliable because efficient energy storage and usage are ensured.

SDG 7 aims to achieve the following objectives:
  1. Ensure access to modern, dependable, and cheap energy services.
    Increase the proportion of renewable energy in the world's energy mix significantly.
  2. Double the rate of energy efficiency growth on a global scale.
  3. Encourage investment in clean energy infrastructure.
  4. Increase international cooperation to make energy research and technology more accessible, including advanced and cleaner fossil fuel technology and renewable energy.
  5. Improve technology and expand infrastructure to provide modern, sustainable energy services to all developing nations under their assistance programs, especially the least developed small islands, developing states, and landlocked developing countries.

With the following objectives at the top of mind, how can AI assist SDG 7 in achieving these goals?

Here are some examples of AI initiatives contributing to affordable and clean energy adoption:

Google's DeepMind and Wind Farm Efficiency: DeepMind, Google's AI division, worked with a wind farm to increase energy output. To forecast wind conditions and improve the performance of the turbines, AI models examined data from the devices, enhancing the production of renewable energy.

AI for Grid Management in India: The national power grid of India uses AI to forecast energy consumption and oversee power distribution. This AI-driven strategy encourages sustainable energy consumption, improves load balancing, and reduces blackouts.

In conclusion, with AI-powered solutions for SDG 7, there is the provision of real-time insights into energy consumption patterns in buildings and industries. Many businesses can implement energy-saving strategies and enhance their overall energy efficiency by identifying and utilizing energy-intensive activities and equipment.
